The tourism at Lake Baikal has become so “wildlife” that the modern age raises global questions about what to do about it and requires large-scale practical solutions, without any peddling. How should we reorganize the “workers’ and peasants’ inspection”, that is, the tourism business? How should we cultivate the culture of tourist behavior? How to create the most environmentally friendly system of recreation at Lake Baikal? These questions have been answered by “Eco-rating”- the partner project of the “Friends of Baikal” Association, “En +” company and Irkutsk Regional Tourism Agency.
The expedition for monitoring of the ecological state of Lake Baikal ended in September. It was organized by En + Group together with the Lomonosov Moscow State University and was aimed at determining the actual risks and threats to the lake created by anthropogenic load, technology-related factor and natural processes. The results of the expedition were summed up by its leader, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Department of Hydrobiology of Moscow State University, Mikhail Kolobov.