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The Island of Olkhon: 300 Days of Sun and Wind
Olkhon is not only the largest island of Baikal. It is also rightly considered the heart of the Great Lake.
Lake Baikal: places to visit
As it was reported by the Federal State Statistics Service, Irkutsk Oblast is annually visited by 80,000 -150,000 tourists. The majority of people go to Lake Baikal. Today we will tell you about the favorite places of travelers, discuss means of transportation and sightseeing attractions.
Oil, toys and chocolate: 7 really useful eco-souvenirs from Baikal
In recent years, Baikal has become a real mecca of skillful craftsmen who produce ecological and useful souvenirs. These things will not be just a reminder of a trip, but they will really serve you well.
Foreign Territory: How to Act on an Ecological Trail
When you go into the forest, the most important thing is to remember that you are no longer on your own territory, now you live by other rules imposed by the nature itself. We’ll tell you how not to make mistakes when you are starting a trip through an ecological trail.
5 Things Every Ecotourist Should Do at Lake Baikal
Baikal is one of the few places in Russia where a tourist caring about the environment really has things to do. We will tell how you can combine the useful with the pleasant: have a rest on the most incredible Lake of the planet and not to do any harm to it.
Where Do the Locals Have Rest at Baikal?
Local residents, unlike visitors, know their native region and can tell you what to see and where better to have rest without any guide book. This is especially characteristic of Lake Baikal that stretches for an area of 31 thousand square kilometers. Sometimes it is difficult to choose: what part of this natural giant to visit going on vacation, holiday or just during the weekend.
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