Enkhaluksky Game Reserve is a Model of Man’s Careful Attitude to Wild Nature
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November, 12

Enkhaluksky Game Reserve is a Model of Man’s Careful Attitude to Wild Nature

The works on the preservation and restoration of populations of game animals and rare birds has never stopped on the territory of the Enkhaluksky Game Reserve during more than 20 years.

The wealth and beauty of the wild nature of the Baikal region are simply incredible. And the main task of people is to preserve its unique flora and fauna. State game reserves are created precisely for this purpose. We already wrote about two of them: Frolikhinsky and Kabansky game reserves. Today we will talk about the Enkhaluksky Game Reserve in more detail.


The protected area is located in the southeast of Lake Baikal, in Kabansky district of the Republic of Buryatia, near the Cape of Oblom. The total area of ​​the reserve amounts to about 15 hectares. And its coastline stretches for 17 kilometers from Dulansky Kaltus (“Dulansky Swamp”) to the mouth of the Enkhaluk River.


The major goals of any game reserve are to maintain the ecological balance of natural complexes, to protect and reproduce the unique flora and fauna of the territory. And the main task of the Enkhaluksky State Game Reserve was namely the preservation of the following species of game animals: moose and red deer. Up to the current date, the specialists have taken all the necessary measures to reach their goals.


Pine, larch, cedar, fir, aspen and birch - the brightest representatives of the Siberian mixed wood – grow on the territory of the Enkhaluksky Game Reserve. Various bushes, thickets of cedars and alders can often be seen on the mountain slopes. You can easily find Dahurian rhododendron - a very beautiful evergreen shrub with bright purple flowers - on the meadows and in the undergrowth.


In addition to the already mentioned moose and red deer, a lot of other amazing animals inhabit the protected area. These include: wild boar, roe deer, musk deer, badger, Siberian weasel, squirrel, muskrat, blue hare, as well as fluffy ermines and sables. Even the fox and the master of the taiga - brown bear – are met in the Enkhaluksky Game Reserve. You can sometimes notice a reindeer on its territory.

Before the creation of the state game reserve many animal species were on the verge of extinction. Nowadays their populations are restored, and the animals are no longer in danger.


Enkhaluksky Game Reserve is a Model of Man’s Careful Attitude to Wild NatureA large number of birds build their nests on the protected territory. The most common of them include: black grouse, partridge, capercaillie, hazel grouse, ducks and waders. The Enkhaluksky Game Reserve is also inhabited by the birds that are listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Buryatia. These include: white-tailed eagle, white-backed woodpecker, Eurasian bittern, spotbill duck, gray crane, whooping swan, Caspian tern, eagle owl.

The territory of the game reserve is of great interest for ornithologists, photographers and simply connoisseurs of the extraordinary beauty of  birds.

What Can Visitors Do on the Territory of the Enkhaluksky Game Reserve?

It is known that people’s activities that can somehow harm the natural complex are strictly forbidden within the limits of any protected areas. But what is allowed to do on the protected territory?

- to harvest wood within the framework of sanitary and preventive measures;
- to collect medicinal plants, berries and mushrooms for own needs;
- carry out research activities;
- engage in environmental tourism.

Besides, it is allowed to conduct public cultural, educational, health and sports programs. The establishment of tourist camps in specially designated places is also allowed during certain periods.

All the activities listed above are carried out only upon written permission of the administration of the game reserve.

Are There Any More Interesting Things in Enkhaluk and its Surroundings?

Mineral Springs of Zagza

There is a well with a spring of therapeutic thermal water near the village of Staryi Enkhaluk. Hot baths are effective in the treatment of the diseases of the skin, joints, reproductive organs. Hydrotherapeutic procedures heal not only the body, but also the soul, restore the nervous system.

You have the unique healing power and beauty of the Baikal region at your disposal. Combine a walk through the amazing reserved places with the treatment at thermal springs. You will receive a wonderful pleasure from pure forest air and picturesque landscapes.

The Sandy Beach of Enkhaluk

If you are planning to visit the game reserve during the warm season, then be sure to stop at the local beach. The golden sandy coast stretches for as long as 10 kilometers, which means that everyone will find a secluded place for himself/herself. By the way, the water near the coast is very warm in summer.

This place is extremely popular among tourists. Many people come here to go boating, to fish and just to relax away from the city hustle and bustle.

The Bay of Proval

This bay was formed as a result of a strong earthquake of 1862. The bay has a triangular shape and is only 5-6 meters deep. Due to this fact, the water in the bay is always very warm, which will be undoubtedly appreciated by the fans of swimming. This place is full of different fish species.

The Statue of Usan Lopson

The residence of the Master of Lake Baikal is located not far from Enkhaluk, in the village of Dulan. The Master of the water is called Usan-Lopson. He is represented by a high wooden sculpture (3.5 meters) with nine sacral figures standing at his feet and representing his mythical servants.

According to the legend, Usan-Lopson and his wife Usan-Daban live at the bottom of the Great Lake Baikal and protect the pure water of the Sacred Lake.

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