“Green River” called Kika: for Tourists, Fishermen and Berrypickers
Academician Okladnikov believed that the name of the Kika River (with the emphasis on the second syllable) was derived from the Turkic “green river”. This is the name of one of 336 rivers flowing into Lake Baikal.
Baikal Hare: Not Only a Character of Folk Fairytales
Why should one remember about an ordinary hare - the animal with the nickname “squint-eye” that is considered a coward?
“Anglichanka” (“English lady”): the Story of a Rock
A specially protected natural monument of regional significance – “Anglichanka” Rock – is situat-ed in Selenginsky district of Buryatia. Now it is known as an observation deck with a picturesque view of the Selenga and Spassky Cathedral dated by the 18th century. However, in 1818-1841, Protestant preachers lived here. Key to Baikal explored how the life of the missionaries was con-nected with the rock, what kind of girl was wandering around it and what the London missionary society had to do with it.
Fedor Reimers: Plant Physiology as a Lifetime Project
The Professor of Irkutsk State University, Doctor of Biological Sciences Fedor Eduardovich Reimers spent his entire life working on plant physiology. He began as a simple teacher, later becoming a Director of the Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry and a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.
“I Closed My Eyes in Anticipation of a Woolly Hand Appearing from the Dark”: How Si-berian Women Told Fortune in XIX Century
Christmas days have come: it’s time to burn candles and ask Gogol’s spirit about daily issues. Key to Baikal informs you about the rite of fortune-telling that existed on Baikal a couple of centu-ries ago.
The Master of the Taiga: the Cult of the Bear among the Indigenous Peoples of Siberia
Not only Siberian peoples considered the bear to be the Master of the Taiga, but namely Siberians turned their attitude to the bear into a cult. Moreover, this cult played an important role in the rites of hunting magic and everyday life.

