Where to Go as a Volunteer: the Best Programs of Lake Baikal
May, 26

Where to Go as a Volunteer: the Best Programs of Lake Baikal

Many environmental volunteer activities are held at Baikal annually. There will be even more such programs in this season, because the year 2017 has been declared the Year of Ecology in Russia.

Anyone who wishes can join a volunteer movement at the age of 18 to 60 years. The participants are required to possess physical endurance and a willingness to live under field conditions. In return, you will receive invaluable experience, bright impressions, new knowledge and acquaintances.

We will tell about the most interesting volunteer programs of the summer-autumn season of 2017.


June 3-8, Olkhon – “The Holiday of Cleanness”. The public organization “My Baikal” has been holding an event in trash collection from the territory of the island for already 5 years. Volunteers and local residents are invited to take part in the program.

You can learn more information about the campaign here

June 5, Barguzin Nature Reserve - the “Clean Coast” campaign, timed to the Ecologist’s Day. The event is held within the framework of the main all-Russian environmental marathon “360 Minutes”.

In order to join the movement, please fill in the form

June 13-18, Maloe More – a cleanup of the unauthorized landfill in the settlement of Shara-Togot. The organizer is “My Baikal” social movement.

More information: here.

June 15-22 - The reserves of the Baikal region organize the infrastructure construction at the Bay of Babushka.

If you want to participate, please leave an application.


Where to Go as a Volunteer: the Best Programs of Lake BaikalJuly 5-19 - the first ecological shift of “The Heart of Baikal”. This is an all-Russian ecological education project for schoolchildren and university students supported by the largest environmental organizations in Russia.

The second shift is to take place from July 21 to August 4, and the third one - from 7 to 21 August.

More information here.

July 10-23 - “Baikal Nature Reserve” organizes a volunteer program “In Harmony with Nature”. The participants of the event will improve the territory of the reserve, repair a small section of an ecological trail. A trip to the bald mountain zone of the Khamar-Daban Ridge, visiting museums and excursions is planned during free time.

July 11-18 – a volunteer camp in the forestry of the Pribaikalsky National Park (Babushka Bay). The participants of the event will have to make border stones to limit the trail, prepare picnic areas and equip toilets, as well as install 4 stairs from the sandy beach to the bed of the trail.

The project is organized jointly by “The Reserves of Baikal Region”, the “Protect Baikal Together” non-profit partnership and the Moscow Technological University.

July 26 - August 8 – “Into the Wild of Khamar-Daban” volunteer camp. The program will be held in the Baikal Nature Reserve, in the valley of the Osinovka River. The task of volunteers is to build a new excursion trail and to restore the old one.

July 27 - August 9 – “The Reserves og Baikal Region” and “InterAction” Intercultural Interaction Club” organize a volunteer camp on the trail Temnaya Gorge - Staraya Angasolka. The participants will have a lot of work: dismantling of 3 old bridges on the trail and the construction of new ones, installation of information boards, construction of flat beds for tents, collection of waste. The project will be held on the territory of the Pribaikalsky National Park in the Marituiskoe forestry.

More information here.

July 28-11 - the “Davshinskie Poles” program in the Barguzin Nature Reserve. The result of the event will be the creation of a historical and ecological trails along the circular route: the museum town of Davsha – a sacrificial stone – viewing platforms - Nemnyanda Cape - hot springs - Davsha settlement.

In the intervals between their work the participants will enjoy interesting excursions to the local museum, to the thermal springs and to the Zmeinaya Bay.


August 1-14 - the “Northern Trails” project is launched at the Ludar Cape, near Slyudyanskie lakes. Volunteers will go on a multi-day hiking trip for arranging the trail, labeling of the route, construction of staging posts and installation of information boards.

August 10-23 - The Pribaikalsky National Park invites you to join the volunteer program “The Way to the Peschanaya Bay” which will take place on the trail from the village of Bolshoye Goloustnoye to Peschanaya Bay.

The responsibilities of volunteers will include the construction of a new section of the trail, arrangement of staging posts, installation of signs. And the reward for their work will be an interesting trip to the Sukhoe Lake and the Svyataya (“Holy”) Mountain”.


September 2-3 – a cleanup event in honor of “The Day of Baikal”.

So that to become a member of the program, please fill in the form

September 21-24, the island of Olkhon– the All-Russian project “Plant a Tree - Save the Life of Olkhon” organized by the "Give Life to the Planet” charitable foundation.

More details about the project.

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